Large Visually Striking Red Balls For Cup & Ball Routines

Cup and ball routines are a standard for many a close up, table top performance. While there is a lot of great performance value to them, the tiny balls they use seems to lose a lot when they are taken to a larger stage. Even a small stage, single room performance can fall a little flat with standard 1-inch balls in a cup and ball routine.

If this sounds like something youve been vexed by in the past, then you need to take a good hard look at this 1.5-inch diameter red balls.

1.5-Inch Diameter Red Balls That Are Large Enough For Stage Performances

These 1.5 inch diameter are large enough to be seen, yet will still fit under most standard cup sets. This spares you having to invest in a whole new set of cups or improvise with something you have sitting around the house. They are also a striking shade of red, which makes them extra easy for your audience to see. Even spectators in the back of the house should be able to see these large, red beauties.


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